$dfd THE ROSWELL ALIEN AUTOPSY - FACT OR FAKE? By Dave Diamond Probably all the word readers have seen the now famous footage of the `alien` being operated on that took place in the late 40`s. Well there`s been alot of speculation as to if it`s real or not and I`m here to tell you that it isn`t.. DONT EXIT YET!! I must admit that it does look real, but there are things that can be explained,first of all heres a list of things that the true believers would say that definatly prove it`s real... $f0a1) Ray santili says that there was a reel of film with the word `trueman` on and shows president trueman in the background while the operation is going on. 2) The organs are completly `alien`..pardon the pun. 3) How can you fake an entire body like this? 4) The instruments and panel 5) The footage. $dfdRight first of all lets go through the list explaining how this is fixed. 1) If trueman was in the film,wouldn`t santili release this as well as the alien footage,the press would ask the united states defence about the involvement with u.f.o`s and aliens. So wouldn`t it be a great idea to release this as well for even more excitment?? 2) The footage is in black and white,what seems like a aliens insides could just have been a stomach of a cow or some other animal. 3) Easy, you`ve seen horror films haven`t you? at one point in any horror film when you`re young you`re going to be scared by whats just actually some latex,if this film was included in the film of roswell with kyle mclaughln (sorry about that spelling) would you believe it`s real? Of course not! It`s just because it was released about 49 years exactly AFTER the actual roswell incident that people got excited and believed it. 4) Again all you need is an imagination and voila you have a aparently alien panel,you were impressed with close encounters and star wars when they were first released right?! 5) Everything in the film can be faked,just go to a antique store and but a old phone from the 40`s. Bribe your surgeon friend alot of cash to take some suits and other medical stuff used in surgeory (sorry!) and let them operate on a model of a alien as they would on a human....here`s one i made earlier! There are other things as well....santili wont give the cameramans name,well surely this guy would like some publicity and cash? Santili wont show the negatives..probably because they`re bought from the 50`s and not the 40`s. Just how much cash has santili made? he sold the film to channel 4 in the u.k,it`s been on video twice and has been on nearly every tv channel across the world so santili is obviously happy with his little sharade. A top make up man said that it is impossible to fake such a alien,to bleed like a human...he obviously hasn`t met me because i could create the entire hoax with a minimum of £1000. If this was real then why haven`t the goverment and u.s defence come forward and would like to meet the camera man to question him? Recently on the bbc programme q.e.d they featured a medical disease where a man aged about 15 looked around 100 and looked just like the roswell alien,now im not poking fun but they could have operated on a person with this terrible disease. Finally I do believe that a ufo crashed in new mexico,roswell and a live alien from 5 was captured,and colaborated with the u.s for technology and the like (read the invaders ultimate ufo file for more details available from me). But I don`t believe this footage is real...what do you think? write in NOWWW! Thanks for reading. end